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New Visqueen Ultimate set to shake up the bin bag fixture

New Visqueen Ultimate set to shake up the bin bag fixture

Visqueen Ultimate, a new range of extra-strong bin liners and sacks, is set to inject some much-needed innovation and excitement into Britain’s bin bag category.

Manufactured in the UK, Visqueen Ultimate bin liners are the UK’s toughest as they are made using cutting edge polymers which deliver exceptionally high tear and puncture resistance. Available in drawstring and tie top formats in a range of sizes from 30 to 120 litres, the new bin bags have recently gone on sale through Amazon UK, and supplier BPI Recycled Products is now close to securing further listings with major high street retailers.

Visqueen Ultimate bin bags are multi-layered for superior resilience. They have been thoroughly tested by market researchers, with overwhelmingly positive results. In one survey, 250 Mumsnet users were asked to try the bags at home. Later, 96% of them said they were ‘satisfied’ with their performance and nearly 75% said they were ‘very satisfied’. Further, 95% said they would buy the bags again and 94% would recommend them to a friend. Finally, 94% of the Mumsnetters who tested Visqueen Ultimate said they believed they were stronger than the typical bin liners they currently purchased.

Such good satisfaction levels mean that Visqueen Ultimate bin bags now qualify to carry the ‘Mumsnet Rated’ accolade, a highly sought-after award given only to products that are approved by at least 75% of Mumsnetters.

The launch of Visqueen Ultimate is backed by a national on and offline consumer PR programme, which includes a product sampling campaign.

Lorcan Mekitarian, Commercial Director at BPI Recycled Products said: “Shoppers don’t ask for much when it comes to their bin bags. They just want a high quality product that won’t split and spill its contents on the floor. We have identified a sizable consumer segment who is so disaffected that they’re willing to pay a premium for a bin bag that they can trust – one that they know is strong enough and won’t let them down. Our research shows, once people have tried them they are quickly convinced of their benefits. We believe there’s no better bin bag out there – and it’s clear that consumers agree.”

The bags are now available in the UK. For more information, please visit www.visqueenultimate.co.uk or contact us at visqueenultimate@bpipoly.com.

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