Mike Turner elected President of Pack2Go Europe

Mike Turner, Managing Director of International Paper Foodservice Europe has been elected as President of Pack2Go Europe, the European foodservice and convenience packaging association. His tenure runs for two years until the end of 2017.
Pack2Go Europe is a not-for-profit association of companies that manufacture packaging for the food and beverages consumed on-the-go by millions of Europeans every day.
One of the principles of Pack2Go Europe is to co-operate with governments and their agents in the development of proposed legislation and regulations around the utilisation of single-use packaging, for instance, litter and waste treatment.
Specific activity for the next two years is likely to focus on promoting the role of single-use foodservice packaging within the context of the EU’s proposal to move Europe from a ‘linear’ to a ‘circular’ economy. In packaging terms this will include a series of policies to reduce consumption and increase recycling.
Commenting on his new role, Mike Turner said:
“I am looking forward to working with the other members of Pack2Go Europe and to tackling the challenges that the beverage and convenience packaging sector is facing from many different directions. EU regulations are an important focus for Pack2Go Europe and our members and I welcome the chance to work more closely with EU regulators over the next two years.”
Turner has previously served on the Board of Pack2Go Europe for the past two years.
Pack2Go Europe and its members are committed to the production and development of sustainable packaging solutions together with appropriate source reduction, recycling and recovery policies.